Summer Financial Aid: How to start

While it might be getting warmer, that doesn't mean money is going to start growing on trees!

While it might be getting warmer, that doesn't mean money is going to start growing on trees! This sad truth hurts me as much as it does you, but don't fear, financial aid is here!

Summer financial aid is similar to other forms of financial aid, in that the summer financial aid deadline varies between states and even varies between colleges.

For example, if I were a resident of Pennsylvania applying for 2011-2012 financial aid, I could go to and select "Pennsylvania" for my legal residence and "2011-2012" for what school year I'm applying for student aid.  Even though this site can give you the dates, Summer financial aid can still be troublesome, which is why you could contact financial aid consultants to learn more about your financial aid package.

Finally keep in mind (at least if you decide to fill out the forms on your own) that contacting your choice would help you determine exactly when all the forms are due. Financial aid offices can be hard to navigate, so it is best to also check their deadlines and policies.

For Summer financial aid, you will need to be able to calculate you are expected to receive. Please do not forget to carefully study this step because it could help help you receive the maximum amount of Summer Financial aid!

If you've looked at our site Go Financial Aid, you will realize that the majority of the information is FREE, but we keep the site running Ad-free because of our financial aid consulting services. We don’t like doing our taxes, so we get others to do them for us. Why? Because it helps us save energy, time, and money. Now we can sidestep another tedious process: financial aid. If you feel this process is too long, tiresome, complex, or just annoying, consider looking into a financial aid consultant (which comes with a satisfaction guarantee). If you don’t have the money for one of our packages, that alright! We’ll keep providing tons of free information via this financial aid blog, twitter, and facebook! If you have any questions about financial aid or financial aid consultants, please send me an email!

Reviewed by
Joey Rahimi
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