Several studies have found that we are dealing with a student mental health crisis across college campuses. According to the American Psychological Association, more than half of all college students live with at least one mental health problem, while nearly 75% report experiencing some form of psychological distress. This doesn’t mean that you are powerless to do anything about it. Recognizing the risks and adopting a self-care routine that addresses mental wellness can make all the difference.
7 Self-Care Tips for Better Mental Health
1. Talk To a Professional
It’s a common misconception that only people with major psychiatric disorders need to speak to a therapist. Regular sessions are helpful for all of us, from time to time, allowing us to explore and understand our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Therapists can teach you how to practice a variety of stress reducing and coping exercises that allow you to deal with stressful situations and other challenges more effectively. Moreover, mental health services are a lot more accessible and affordable today as the best online therapy platforms typically offer student discount programs and many are also covered by insurance.
2. Get Quality Sleep

As a college student juggling classes, assignments, and social life is difficult and if you’re working part-time, it’s downright exhausting. The most common mistake that students make is that they try to manage everything by sacrificing their sleep. This is one of the biggest mistakes that you can make as sleep is essential for mental health, memory, focus, and cognitive function. The less sleep you get, the longer it will take for you to complete tasks which in turn means that you will cut back on your sleep even more to stay on top of everything. This vicious sleep deprivation will wreak havoc on your physical and mental health so make sure that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
3. Plan your Finances
Even if you are a financially savvy student, you are likely to face sudden and unexpected costs. This could be in the form of simple things that add up such as parking or groceries beyond your meal plan or it could be a larger expense such as laptop repairs. Learning how to prepare for unexpected expenses will help to ease financial stress and anxiety.
4. Create a Daily Routine
On any college campus, you will find students who are organized and relaxed as well as students constantly scrambling to stay on track. While the idea of a daily routine can seem boring, it will save you from burnout. When creating your daily routine, keep track of the times when you are unable to stick to it so that you can make adjustments.
5. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
Regular mindfulness practices can reduce anxiety and enhance focus – even just 10 minutes a day can help you feel grounded during overwhelming times. This is empowering and can help lower the risk of mental illness, as understanding your mind and being attuned to your thoughts allows you to take preventive action and seek timely help. Understanding the advantages and limitations of self-development tools will help you discover which ones work for you and which ones don’t.
6. Exercise Daily
A recent study on college students' physical activity behaviors found that about 40% to 50% of college students are physically inactive. It is important that you make time for daily exercise as physical activity releases endorphins aka the “happy hormones” that improve overall mood and have a positive impact on mental health.
7. Take Personal Days
Don’t underestimate the power of a mental health day! Plan your personal days in advance so that you don’t waste the entire day binge-eating junk food in front of your TV. Use your time for self-care whether that’s indulging in your favorite hobby or going for a hike on a nearby trail.