Financial Advisor

Well, some schools have college financial advisors. Advisors can help students and families through the financial aid process and in finding college funds.

Let's face it, we could all use some help getting everything in order for college.  Well, some schools have college financial advisors. Advisors can help students and families through the financial aid process and in finding college funds. Seeking help for application filing or to better understand the aid process ensures greater accuracy on your FAFSA application and consideration for maximum financial aid.If your school does not have financial advisors, do not fret.  Financial advisors are another name, or institutional equivalent to financial consultants, who are available at your disposal to assist with financial aid troubles and questions.  In fact, hiring a consultant may well result in a more individualized approach to your college financing.  More time can be spent developing a personalized plan (since you do not share a helper with thousands of students at your school), going through options with a fine-toothed comb.When looking for a financial advisor/consultant, experience is key.  A proven track record of at least 2 years helping students obtain financial aid legitimizes your advisor’s skills and will help your own cause.  If you run into someone wanting you to qualify for their help, walk away, as everyone can ask for such assistance without hassle.

What Your Advisor Can Do for You

  • Your advisor can help you wade through the loan, grant and scholarship options.  He/she will search alongside you for aid and compare all options.
  • An advisor will assist in the completion of applications such as the FAFSA and CSS Profile.  Such individuals have specialized training and knowledge of the financial aid process.  This will be a money-saver, as costly mistakes made by thousands of people every year will be avoided and possibly more aid will be obtained.
  • Focus on your free aid.  When you join with your advisor to search for college aid, emphasis can be put on grants and scholarships, so as to decrease future student loan debt.
  • Your advisor can assess your aid choices, letting you know if each is fair and helpful, and also aid you in deciding which financial aid awards to accept once you’ve qualified for them.

Questions for your Financial Advisor:

  • Discuss scholarship options.  You may have already touched on it briefly, but ask which opportunities seem viable or about specific options.  No matter what your consultant is familiar with already, they will provide as much information and application advice as possible.
  • Find out how your university choice and its corresponding tuition rates affect your financial aid award.
  • Talk about the paperwork.  While everyone has to submit the FAFSA, some schools also need financial aid supplements, so find out if you are required to submit them.  You already know your advisor can help with this.
  • If you’re considering it already, inquire about your eligibility to take part in a Work Study program.  Your financial need, as decided by the FAFSA, determines this, and it’s a great way to build work experience while you receive financial assistance.

Convinced yet?  It may sound too good to be true...but it's not.  Making college a reality shouldn't be the hard part (that's what the actual exams are for), and this is one way to make it easier.  Let Go Financial Aid find the right solutions for you!

Reviewed by
Joey Rahimi
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