Let’s face it, summer can get very boring very quickly. It’s easy to stay in your room for the majority of the three months or be on your phone nonstop. However, a great way to both relax and stay busy is by immersing yourself in music. If you play an instrument or sing, summer is the perfect time to hone in on your craft. Through music, you can also meet new people and see new places. The following music programs are great options if you’re looking for a creative space to join this summer.
In today’s article we will cover:
- Music programs for college credit and for fun
- Locations in different states within the United States
- Programs for orchestra, voice, and band
- Songwriting and music production programs
Berklee’s Aspire Program
Some fast facts: this program is from the beginning of July to the beginning of August, takes place in Boston, and is for individuals at least fifteen years old. One huge bonus of this program is that it allows you to earn college credit from the experience, as well as the college experience if you choose to dorm. It also grants scholarships and covers a wide variety of topics from songwriting to music business and more! This range of topics is incredibly valuable, especially if you are planning to go into the music industry and want to know more about all its different facets. If this sounds good to you, be sure to check out the five week intensive program. Do not miss out on exploring Boston and learning more about music for an affordable price.
National Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Institute
This program has a $30 application fee, but once students are admitted, the program runs tuition free! It is for 15-20 year old musicians, and it is based in Washington DC. It includes private lessons, seminars, and participation in the greater summer orchestra. The application for 2024 is now closed, but be sure to look out for the 2025 application, which opens in November! This great opportunity for musicians allows them to gain a higher degree of mastery in their string or wind instrument. It is also incredibly affordable compared to many other summer music programs.
Philadelphia International Music Festival Summer Music Camp
This program is only for first or second year college students, since the age range is from 11-19. However, it offers multiple great programs over the summer. One of the best programs is for, arguably, the most underrated instrument in the orchestra: the viola! Their Viola Intensive Program is still accepting auditions, along with Piano Studies, Solo Performance Preparation, Chamber Music Intensive, and Symphony Orchestra. There are six programs to choose from that run for one or two weeks in July. The Philadelphia International Music Festival is unique in its variety of programs, and regardless of what instrument you play, there is almost certainly one that will catch your eye.
New England Conservatory’s Jazz Lab
This program’s cut off age is also 19, however, it can be a great opportunity for college underclassmen (first and second years). The New England Conservatory hosts professors from the best universities in the area: Julliard, Berklee, MIT, among others. Also, while this is a jazz focused program, string and percussion instruments are still welcome. The program is based in Boston, but students get to choose whether they’d like to board or commute, which gives you the freedom to govern your own experience. If you’re missing your dorm while home for the summer, this program can serve as a week-long getaway. You can meet new friends while also learning valuable skills on your instrument.

New England Conservatory.
Long Island University’s Music Production Course
If you like to make beats or want to learn how, Long Island University in New York has a summer course for just that. If you are not from Long Island, you can live on campus to complete this course, which is an experience in itself. On Long Island, you’re a train ride away from New York City or a drive away from the beaches in the Hamptons or in Montauk—truly the best of both worlds. You can fulfill an interest in production for college credit while also having a great summer experience!
Southern California Chamber Music Workshop
This program is exclusively for adults, so it is upperclassmen-friendly! As long as you are 18 or older, you are free to apply. Like many of the other programs listed, the workshop accepts wind and string instruments, but they are also seeking out piano players. The workshop is one week in late July, which is perfect if you want something to do but do not want to make a longer time commitment. This year’s workshop theme is “Music for Solace.” Be sure to register soon and learn some calming tunes.

SoCal Chamber Music Workshop.
Brooklyn Conservatory of Music Jazz Instrumental Lab
This summer intensive program is for musicians eighteen or above who play piano, strings, guitar, horn, or those who sing. It is four days long in mid July, and has an exciting end with a concert at the Conservatory’s hall. They are still accepting registrations for summer 2024, and the fee is $350. This is a low commitment program, and although it is short, it has a lot to offer. You will work with many other musicians who play a bunch of different instruments and even take part in a performance with your newfound friends on the last day!

Brooklyn Conservatory of Music.
The New School’s Summer Piano Festival
This program is perfect for college pianists who are dedicated to improving their playing. It spans from mid to late July in Manhattan, New York. This program will put you into small groups, so you can ease into the unfamiliar setting. Meeting new people and immediately playing in front of them can be a bit intimidating or overwhelming, but the focus on small groups alleviates a large part of this fear.

Summer Piano Festival.
New York Performing Arts Academy Four Week Program
The New York Performing Arts Academy offers a program called “The Art of Musical Performance.” The shortest program for this specific course is four weeks, but there are also eight week and twelve week options. This program is for singers over the age of seventeen. If you are a beginner looking for some guidance rather than a competitive environment, this program does not require an audition to join! The four week program has multiple sessions with start dates ranging from the end of June to the end of August, and it costs $295 to register.

New York Performing Arts Academy.
Austin Chamber Music Center
While registration has closed for 2024, it is great to keep an eye on Austin Chamber Music Center. They host an adult division summer program in which musicians can choose whether they’d like to be part of Chamber Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra, or both. There are spots for wind, brass, string, and piano players within the three options. The Chamber Orchestra does not require an audition while the other two options do require one, so the music center is open to both beginners and experienced musicians. The Austin Chamber Music Center is located in Austin, Texas, so if you are from the South, this is a great program to consider.
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
This program, “Singers’ Summer Tune Up” is great for Southern singers! If you want to start singing or if you sing already, this program will help you progress regardless of your starting point. The registration is $250, and the program spans a little over two weeks long. It is broken up into ninety minute sessions, which is perfect if you want to start off slow, rather than immediately diving in.

Those were our best summer music programs for college students
Summer comes slow and goes by fast, so make sure not to waste it! Whether you want to use this time to pick up an instrument as a new hobby or if you’re an experienced musician who wants more practice, we put these programs together for any and every college kid. Go make it happen, we can already hear the encores!